Can I talk to Ebba?

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Can I talk to Ebba?

Post by tridy »


Could someone explain to me how the "notification" from the server back to the browser works.
I can see that the signal comes from [SockJS] (,
and that Telldus Live page uses it to get the information pushed to it, in case a lamp was switched on by the remote, thus eliminating the need of constantly refreshing the status of all the devices and sensors.
So, how does this happen? I am new to Socks communication, I looked at the part of wsevent.js:

Code: Select all

	Y.WSEvent.prototype._addConnection = function(id, sockjsaddress, phpsess) {
		var _this = this;

		if (sockjsaddress == '') {
			setTimeout(function() {_this._retryConnection(id);}, 120000);

		if (_this.connections[id]) {
			return; //a connection to this client already exists

		var connection = new Y.WSConnection(sockjsaddress, id, phpsess);

		connection.on('connect', function() {
			auth = {'sessionid': phpsess, 'clientId': id}
			this.sendMessage('auth', 'auth', auth);
      filter = _this.filter;
			for(i in filter) {
				this.sendMessage('filter', 'accept', filter[i]);
		connection.on('message', function(module, action, data) {'message', module, action, data);
		connection.on('validconnection', function() {'clientOnline', id);
		connection.on('connectionlost', function() {'websocketOffline', id);
			if (_this.connections[id]) {
				_this.connections[id] = null;
			setTimeout(function() {_this._retryConnection(id);}, 10000);

		this.connections[id] = connection;

	Y.WSEvent.prototype._retryConnection = function(id) {
		var _this = this;
		if(Y.Array.indexOf(_this._isWaitingToRetry, id) && _this._isWaitingToRetry[id]){
			//already waiting to retry, don't flood it
		_this._isWaitingToRetry[id] = true;'/wsevent/clientAddress?id=' + id, { method:'GET', on:{ complete:function(ev,o) {
				var data = Y.JSON.parse(o.responseText);
				if(data.sockjsaddress == ''){'clientOffline', data.clientId);
			} catch(e){
				setTimeout(function() {_this._isWaitingToRetry[id]=false;_this._retryConnection(id);}, 300000); // Retry conenction every 5th minute so see if it's online again.
			_this._isWaitingToRetry[id] = false;
			_this._addConnection(data.clientId, data.sockjsaddress, data.phpsess);
		} }});

	Y.WSEvent.prototype.accept = function(module, action) {
		filter = {'module': module, 'action': action}
		for(id in this.connections){
				this.connections[id].sendMessage('filter', 'accept', filter);
			catch (e) {
				//do nothing, the connection may have been removed, that's ok

	Y.WSEvent.prototype.deny = function(module, action) {
		filter = {'module': module, 'action': action}
		this.filter.splice(this.filter.indexOf(filter), 1);
		for(id in this.connections){
				this.connections[id].sendMessage('filter', 'deny', filter);
			catch (e) {
				//do nothing, the connection may have been removed, that's ok

	Y.WSEvent.prototype.hasConnection = function(client) {
		return client in this.connections && this.connections[client] != null;

	Y.WSEvent.prototype.sendMessage = function(clientId, module, action, msg) {
		if (clientId in this.connections && this.connections[clientId] != null) {
			this.connections[clientId].sendMessage(module, action, msg);
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
}, '0.0.1', {requires: ['event', 'io', 'json-parse', 'json-stringify']});
so in the function(id, sockjsaddress, phpsess)
id = ClientId
sockjsaddress =
phpsess = ??? and here I come to my question. How do I get this phpsess, does it come from the Live authentication? A cookie somewhere?

Or is there another way of communicating back/getting notifications?

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