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Problems sending bytes >0x7F with tdtools raw on Raspian

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by teknikfreak
Hi, I'm having trouble sending bytes that are bigger than 0x7F via the tdtools raw command on Raspian!
I've tried via echo and with the bytes in a file.

When listening what's going on between the ftdi-chip and the processor in my Telldus Duo, an "0xC2"-character is added before all bytes higher than 0x7F!

I can send commands via tdtool and "--on" and "--off" to preregistered devices and those bytes come out fine from the ftdi chip, but not commands send via raw.

I use Arctech/Nexa protocol, and the use pulses longer than 1270uS.

echo -ne 'S\x7F+' | tdtool --raw - would work and sends 3 bytes (0x53, 0x7F, 0x2B) to the PIC-processor
echo -ne 'S\x80+' | tdtool --raw - doesn't work and sends out 4 bytes (0x53, 0xC2, 0x80, 0x2B)

Could it have something to to with a variable in tdtools that is signed instead of being unsigned?

I'm making my own home automation and combining several systems including IR tx/rx and FS20 rx/tx. (from
