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EventGhost plugin

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by strips
Hei Walter,

I am using EventGhost to control my lighting with dimmers with a Tellstick Duo. I originally gave every dimmer/switch device a separate ID and created multiple groups in Telldus Center. This did not work as it took too long time to control a group. Firing one code after another increased the chance that one light missing the command. This did not give me much WAF :(

So now I have fewer groups but every device in a group has learned a single device code. So I can send one command and dim all the lights I want. This way I can also repeat the command to make sure its received by every device. This works reasonable well so my wife has stopped complaining too much ;) I'm using Nexa switches and remotes to control the lights and dimming. I use 4 buttons per group. On, off, dim up and dim down. One downside with this is the memory limit on the devices and 1. time set up.

I have a few issues before I'm satisfied.
  • Dimming a single device to 100% and then turning off all lights in the house (by single device code) before going to bed. The single device still believes it is at 100%. What I would like is a way to tell whatever devices I decide what level they are on without actually sending the code to the device.
  • I miss an repeat option in the actions. Now I execute the same command 3 times fast but dim up and dim down is a bit tricky. The first dim is at 18% and the two following is 1% so if all commands are received I should end up in 20%. So next dim will be 38% + 1% + 1%.

Re: EventGhost plugin

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by krambriw
What I would like is a way to tell whatever devices I decide what level they are on without actually sending the code to the device.
How do you want to do this and how shall this be presented? Do you think about starting an action for the device that prints a line in the log with the current level? Be aware that this level will be what Telldus Center 'thinks' the device is at since there is no way to ask the device for current level (product limitation, these Nexa devices and others are only designed for one way communication).
I miss an repeat option in the actions

Have you noticed a problem with this so that devices are missing commands? I am sending the command to Telldus Center and if needed trying up to five times for all commands. If Telldus Center acknowledges that it has received my request I do not send the same anymore. But it could happen that Telldus Center fails to send to the device...I do not know if it has some repeat functions built in

Anyway, do you say that you think we need a repeat setting in EG so that you can re-send the same command multiple times like 'send dim 20% three times with 1 second pause in between' ??? Is this valid for all commands?

I am not really a fan of compensating shortcomings like this, I mean I think the repeating stuff should, if needed, be implemented in the driver, in this case in Telldus Center...

But in EG we can use some tricks, besides me having to change the plugin, that can do the repeat stuff anyway. Instead of triggering a dim action, you can trigger a python script that will repeat the dim action x number of times

Please explain if I have understood you correctly. If so we will look into the things in more detail, especially how you can repeat a command from EG.


Re: EventGhost plugin

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by strips
krambriw wrote: How do you want to do this and how shall this be presented?
What I was hoping that there was a way to fool a device and override what it thinks is its level by an API. Another way to do so would be to actually make the plugin part stateful. This would make the plugin more complex and not sure if thats a good thing. Maybe I should file a suggestion to do this in telldus-core.
krambriw wrote: Have you noticed a problem with this so that devices are missing commands? I am sending the command to Telldus Center and if needed trying up to five times for all commands. If Telldus Center acknowledges that it has received my request I do not send the same anymore. But it could happen that Telldus Center fails to send to the device...I do not know if it has some repeat functions built in

Anyway, do you say that you think we need a repeat setting in EG so that you can re-send the same command multiple times like 'send dim 20% three times with 1 second pause in between' ??? Is this valid for all commands?

I am not really a fan of compensating shortcomings like this, I mean I think the repeating stuff should, if needed, be implemented in the driver, in this case in Telldus Center...

But in EG we can use some tricks, besides me having to change the plugin, that can do the repeat stuff anyway. Instead of triggering a dim action, you can trigger a python script that will repeat the dim action x number of times

Please explain if I have understood you correctly. If so we will look into the things in more detail, especially how you can repeat a command from EG.

Yes I am experiencing that one or more devices not always receiving its command. Probably a temperature sensor or something else jamming in the 433MHz range at that time.

I completely agree the driver should have this as an option. The python-script was a good idea. About time for me to look more into python now anyways ;)