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Tellstick Net died - anyone recognising the symptoms?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by mountaindude
This morning I noticed all the lights were on.
Turns out the Tellstick Net (=TN) does not respond to any signals from Telldus Live.

Some investigation later gives this:
- TN boots ok when the USB contact is plugged in. Red status lights.
- As soon as the Ethernet cable is inserted, the TN dies. Or rather: A couple of seconds after inserting the Ethernet cable, the status LEDs go blue. After a split second they turn off. The LEDs on the Ethernet jack do keep blinking though.
- The TN is not recognised by Telldus Live ("Location is offline" is the status there).

So... I guess something has broken in the TN.
Has anyone seen similar symptoms before?
Anything that could be done to fix it?

The TN is out of warranty, of course (not by much, but still)

Ideas, anyone?

Re: Tellstick Net died - anyone recognising the symptoms?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by jens.hoofs
Hi I'm having similar issues. How did you solve yours?

Re: Tellstick Net died - anyone recognising the symptoms?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by mountaindude
It was solved by means of $$$.... Bought myself a new Tellstick Net.

Being quite comfortable with a soldering iron and embedded systems, I pulled apart the non-functional device, but no luck. Didn't make any heads or tails of what was going on - and without a decent schematic it was hard to debug.

So the broken unit went into the "future projects" bin here...