Telldus Live! python headless server

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Telldus Live! python headless server

Post by SteUK »

Hi chaps,

Have got the python server scripts up and running, daemonised and crontab'ed to start on my raspberry pi boot. Works well, all be it a little slow in time terms to go from... iPhone App->pi->device

The problem I am seeing is the process ending. I thought it might be falling out of the 'connect' function, found in due to an empty response or timeout waiting for a pong response (the two break outs from the while(1) loop). So I changed the connect function to essentially loop forever with a sleep per loop iteration...something like this:

Code: Select all

     def connect(self, server):
                while( 1 ):
                        self.connectme( server )
                        sleep( 60.0 )

        def connectme(self, server):
                s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(s, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, ca_certs="/etc/ssl/certs/$
                self.socket.connect((server['address'], int(server['port'])))

                rest of the original connect function...etc, etc, etc...
This, however, did not fix the problem.

Any and all help greatly appreciated! (I am a c/c++ coder by trade, not done a lot of python so every chance I just have something silly wrong!)

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