LUA Fibaro RGBW,
Moderator: Telldus
LUA Fibaro RGBW,
Hi, are there anyone how has looked into the possibility to make a lua script for controlling a RBGW unit?
I´m trying to find what Z-wave device command to send for changing RGB colours.
I found a reference for colours, but without the device command it not easy to change any colours
Not tested:
colorsRGB = {
aliceblue = {240, 248, 255},
antiquewhite = {250, 235, 215},
aqua = { 0, 255, 255},
aquamarine = {127, 255, 212},
azure = {240, 255, 255},
beige = {245, 245, 220},
bisque = {255, 228, 196},
black = { 0, 0, 0},
blanchedalmond = {255, 235, 205},
blue = { 0, 0, 255},
blueviolet = {138, 43, 226},
brown = {165, 42, 42},
burlywood = {222, 184, 135},
cadetblue = { 95, 158, 160},
chartreuse = {127, 255, 0},
chocolate = {210, 105, 30},
coral = {255, 127, 80},
cornflowerblue = {100, 149, 237},
cornsilk = {255, 248, 220},
crimson = {220, 20, 60},
cyan = { 0, 255, 255},
darkblue = { 0, 0, 139},
darkcyan = { 0, 139, 139},
darkgoldenrod = {184, 134, 11},
darkgray = {169, 169, 169},
darkgreen = { 0, 100, 0},
darkgrey = {169, 169, 169},
darkkhaki = {189, 183, 107},
darkmagenta = {139, 0, 139},
darkolivegreen = { 85, 107, 47},
darkorange = {255, 140, 0},
darkorchid = {153, 50, 204},
darkred = {139, 0, 0},
darksalmon = {233, 150, 122},
darkseagreen = {143, 188, 143},
darkslateblue = { 72, 61, 139},
darkslategray = { 47, 79, 79},
darkslategrey = { 47, 79, 79},
darkturquoise = { 0, 206, 209},
darkviolet = {148, 0, 211},
deeppink = {255, 20, 147},
deepskyblue = { 0, 191, 255},
dimgray = {105, 105, 105},
dimgrey = {105, 105, 105},
dodgerblue = { 30, 144, 255},
firebrick = {178, 34, 34},
floralwhite = {255, 250, 240},
forestgreen = { 34, 139, 34},
fuchsia = {255, 0, 255},
gainsboro = {220, 220, 220},
ghostwhite = {248, 248, 255},
gold = {255, 215, 0},
goldenrod = {218, 165, 32},
gray = {128, 128, 128},
grey = {128, 128, 128},
green = { 0, 128, 0},
greenyellow = {173, 255, 47},
honeydew = {240, 255, 240},
hotpink = {255, 105, 180},
indianred = {205, 92, 92},
indigo = { 75, 0, 130},
ivory = {255, 255, 240},
khaki = {240, 230, 140},
lavender = {230, 230, 250},
lavenderblush = {255, 240, 245},
lawngreen = {124, 252, 0},
lemonchiffon = {255, 250, 205},
lightblue = {173, 216, 230},
lightcoral = {240, 128, 128},
lightcyan = {224, 255, 255},
lightgoldenrodyellow = {250, 250, 210},
lightgray = {211, 211, 211},
lightgreen = {144, 238, 144},
lightgrey = {211, 211, 211},
lightpink = {255, 182, 193},
lightsalmon = {255, 160, 122},
lightseagreen = { 32, 178, 170},
lightskyblue = {135, 206, 250},
lightslategray = {119, 136, 153},
lightslategrey = {119, 136, 153},
lightsteelblue = {176, 196, 222},
lightyellow = {255, 255, 224},
lime = { 0, 255, 0},
limegreen = { 50, 205, 50},
linen = {250, 240, 230},
magenta = {255, 0, 255},
maroon = {128, 0, 0},
mediumaquamarine = {102, 205, 170},
mediumblue = { 0, 0, 205},
mediumorchid = {186, 85, 211},
mediumpurple = {147, 112, 219},
mediumseagreen = { 60, 179, 113},
mediumslateblue = {123, 104, 238},
mediumspringgreen = { 0, 250, 154},
mediumturquoise = { 72, 209, 204},
mediumvioletred = {199, 21, 133},
midnightblue = { 25, 25, 112},
mintcream = {245, 255, 250},
mistyrose = {255, 228, 225},
moccasin = {255, 228, 181},
navajowhite = {255, 222, 173},
navy = { 0, 0, 128},
oldlace = {253, 245, 230},
olive = {128, 128, 0},
olivedrab = {107, 142, 35},
orange = {255, 165, 0},
orangered = {255, 69, 0},
orchid = {218, 112, 214},
palegoldenrod = {238, 232, 170},
palegreen = {152, 251, 152},
paleturquoise = {175, 238, 238},
palevioletred = {219, 112, 147},
papayawhip = {255, 239, 213},
peachpuff = {255, 218, 185},
peru = {205, 133, 63},
pink = {255, 192, 203},
plum = {221, 160, 221},
powderblue = {176, 224, 230},
purple = {128, 0, 128},
red = {255, 0, 0},
rosybrown = {188, 143, 143},
royalblue = { 65, 105, 225},
saddlebrown = {139, 69, 19},
salmon = {250, 128, 114},
sandybrown = {244, 164, 96},
seagreen = { 46, 139, 87},
seashell = {255, 245, 238},
sienna = {160, 82, 45},
silver = {192, 192, 192},
skyblue = {135, 206, 235},
slateblue = {106, 90, 205},
slategray = {112, 128, 144},
slategrey = {112, 128, 144},
snow = {255, 250, 250},
springgreen = { 0, 255, 127},
steelblue = { 70, 130, 180},
tan = {210, 180, 140},
teal = { 0, 128, 128},
thistle = {216, 191, 216},
tomato = {255, 99, 71},
turquoise = { 64, 224, 208},
violet = {238, 130, 238},
wheat = {245, 222, 179},
white = {255, 255, 255},
whitesmoke = {245, 245, 245},
yellow = {255, 255, 0},
yellowgreen = {154, 205, 50}
colorsRGB.R = function (name)
return colorsRGB[name][1]
colorsRGB.G = function (name)
return colorsRGB[name][2]
colorsRGB.B = function (name)
return colorsRGB[name][3]
colorsRGB.RGB = function (name)
return colorsRGB[name][1],colorsRGB[name][2],colorsRGB[name][3]
function setFibaroColor(device, Red, Green, Blue)
if (device:typeString() ~= 'zwave') then
print("Device %s is not a Z-Wave device", device:name())
-- Get the raw zwave node
local zwaveNode = device:zwaveNode()
-- Extract the rgb color setpoint command class
local cmdClass = zwaveNode:cmdClass(COMMAND_CLASS_COLOR_CONTROL)
if (cmdClass == nil) then
print("Device %s does not support COMMAND_CLASS_COLOR_CONTROL", device:name())
-- Set new value to be sent the next time the device is awake
cmdClass:setSetpoint(COMMAND_CLASS_COLOR_CONTROL, Red, Green, Blue)
I´m trying to find what Z-wave device command to send for changing RGB colours.
I found a reference for colours, but without the device command it not easy to change any colours
Not tested:
colorsRGB = {
aliceblue = {240, 248, 255},
antiquewhite = {250, 235, 215},
aqua = { 0, 255, 255},
aquamarine = {127, 255, 212},
azure = {240, 255, 255},
beige = {245, 245, 220},
bisque = {255, 228, 196},
black = { 0, 0, 0},
blanchedalmond = {255, 235, 205},
blue = { 0, 0, 255},
blueviolet = {138, 43, 226},
brown = {165, 42, 42},
burlywood = {222, 184, 135},
cadetblue = { 95, 158, 160},
chartreuse = {127, 255, 0},
chocolate = {210, 105, 30},
coral = {255, 127, 80},
cornflowerblue = {100, 149, 237},
cornsilk = {255, 248, 220},
crimson = {220, 20, 60},
cyan = { 0, 255, 255},
darkblue = { 0, 0, 139},
darkcyan = { 0, 139, 139},
darkgoldenrod = {184, 134, 11},
darkgray = {169, 169, 169},
darkgreen = { 0, 100, 0},
darkgrey = {169, 169, 169},
darkkhaki = {189, 183, 107},
darkmagenta = {139, 0, 139},
darkolivegreen = { 85, 107, 47},
darkorange = {255, 140, 0},
darkorchid = {153, 50, 204},
darkred = {139, 0, 0},
darksalmon = {233, 150, 122},
darkseagreen = {143, 188, 143},
darkslateblue = { 72, 61, 139},
darkslategray = { 47, 79, 79},
darkslategrey = { 47, 79, 79},
darkturquoise = { 0, 206, 209},
darkviolet = {148, 0, 211},
deeppink = {255, 20, 147},
deepskyblue = { 0, 191, 255},
dimgray = {105, 105, 105},
dimgrey = {105, 105, 105},
dodgerblue = { 30, 144, 255},
firebrick = {178, 34, 34},
floralwhite = {255, 250, 240},
forestgreen = { 34, 139, 34},
fuchsia = {255, 0, 255},
gainsboro = {220, 220, 220},
ghostwhite = {248, 248, 255},
gold = {255, 215, 0},
goldenrod = {218, 165, 32},
gray = {128, 128, 128},
grey = {128, 128, 128},
green = { 0, 128, 0},
greenyellow = {173, 255, 47},
honeydew = {240, 255, 240},
hotpink = {255, 105, 180},
indianred = {205, 92, 92},
indigo = { 75, 0, 130},
ivory = {255, 255, 240},
khaki = {240, 230, 140},
lavender = {230, 230, 250},
lavenderblush = {255, 240, 245},
lawngreen = {124, 252, 0},
lemonchiffon = {255, 250, 205},
lightblue = {173, 216, 230},
lightcoral = {240, 128, 128},
lightcyan = {224, 255, 255},
lightgoldenrodyellow = {250, 250, 210},
lightgray = {211, 211, 211},
lightgreen = {144, 238, 144},
lightgrey = {211, 211, 211},
lightpink = {255, 182, 193},
lightsalmon = {255, 160, 122},
lightseagreen = { 32, 178, 170},
lightskyblue = {135, 206, 250},
lightslategray = {119, 136, 153},
lightslategrey = {119, 136, 153},
lightsteelblue = {176, 196, 222},
lightyellow = {255, 255, 224},
lime = { 0, 255, 0},
limegreen = { 50, 205, 50},
linen = {250, 240, 230},
magenta = {255, 0, 255},
maroon = {128, 0, 0},
mediumaquamarine = {102, 205, 170},
mediumblue = { 0, 0, 205},
mediumorchid = {186, 85, 211},
mediumpurple = {147, 112, 219},
mediumseagreen = { 60, 179, 113},
mediumslateblue = {123, 104, 238},
mediumspringgreen = { 0, 250, 154},
mediumturquoise = { 72, 209, 204},
mediumvioletred = {199, 21, 133},
midnightblue = { 25, 25, 112},
mintcream = {245, 255, 250},
mistyrose = {255, 228, 225},
moccasin = {255, 228, 181},
navajowhite = {255, 222, 173},
navy = { 0, 0, 128},
oldlace = {253, 245, 230},
olive = {128, 128, 0},
olivedrab = {107, 142, 35},
orange = {255, 165, 0},
orangered = {255, 69, 0},
orchid = {218, 112, 214},
palegoldenrod = {238, 232, 170},
palegreen = {152, 251, 152},
paleturquoise = {175, 238, 238},
palevioletred = {219, 112, 147},
papayawhip = {255, 239, 213},
peachpuff = {255, 218, 185},
peru = {205, 133, 63},
pink = {255, 192, 203},
plum = {221, 160, 221},
powderblue = {176, 224, 230},
purple = {128, 0, 128},
red = {255, 0, 0},
rosybrown = {188, 143, 143},
royalblue = { 65, 105, 225},
saddlebrown = {139, 69, 19},
salmon = {250, 128, 114},
sandybrown = {244, 164, 96},
seagreen = { 46, 139, 87},
seashell = {255, 245, 238},
sienna = {160, 82, 45},
silver = {192, 192, 192},
skyblue = {135, 206, 235},
slateblue = {106, 90, 205},
slategray = {112, 128, 144},
slategrey = {112, 128, 144},
snow = {255, 250, 250},
springgreen = { 0, 255, 127},
steelblue = { 70, 130, 180},
tan = {210, 180, 140},
teal = { 0, 128, 128},
thistle = {216, 191, 216},
tomato = {255, 99, 71},
turquoise = { 64, 224, 208},
violet = {238, 130, 238},
wheat = {245, 222, 179},
white = {255, 255, 255},
whitesmoke = {245, 245, 245},
yellow = {255, 255, 0},
yellowgreen = {154, 205, 50}
colorsRGB.R = function (name)
return colorsRGB[name][1]
colorsRGB.G = function (name)
return colorsRGB[name][2]
colorsRGB.B = function (name)
return colorsRGB[name][3]
colorsRGB.RGB = function (name)
return colorsRGB[name][1],colorsRGB[name][2],colorsRGB[name][3]
function setFibaroColor(device, Red, Green, Blue)
if (device:typeString() ~= 'zwave') then
print("Device %s is not a Z-Wave device", device:name())
-- Get the raw zwave node
local zwaveNode = device:zwaveNode()
-- Extract the rgb color setpoint command class
local cmdClass = zwaveNode:cmdClass(COMMAND_CLASS_COLOR_CONTROL)
if (cmdClass == nil) then
print("Device %s does not support COMMAND_CLASS_COLOR_CONTROL", device:name())
-- Set new value to be sent the next time the device is awake
cmdClass:setSetpoint(COMMAND_CLASS_COLOR_CONTROL, Red, Green, Blue)
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Re: LUA Fibaro RGBW,
You can use the experimental device method rgbw. This will set to red:
One warning though, this command will change from rgbw to rgb in a later firmware...
Code: Select all
device:command('rgbw', 0xFF000000, "lua")
Micke Prag
Telldus Technologies
Telldus Technologies
Re: LUA Fibaro RGBW,
I did some changes to my script to be able to convert colour name to hex, now I just have to find a way to use it.
Code: Select all
local deviceManager = require "telldus.DeviceManager"
local RGBLYS = "RGB" --RGB Controller
function onInit()
--device:command('rgbw', 0xFF000000, "lua")
function controlDevice(device, action)
local device = deviceManager:findByName(device)
if device == nil then
if action == "ON" and device:state() == 2 then
print("%s - %s", device:name(), action)
device:command("turnon", nil, "RGB")
elseif action == "OFF" and device:state() == 1 then
print("%s - %s", device:name(), action)
device:command("turnoff", nil, "RGB")
colorsRGB = {
aliceblue = {240, 248, 255},
antiquewhite = {250, 235, 215},
aqua = { 0, 255, 255},
aquamarine = {127, 255, 212},
azure = {240, 255, 255},
beige = {245, 245, 220},
bisque = {255, 228, 196},
black = { 0, 0, 0},
blanchedalmond = {255, 235, 205},
blue = { 0, 0, 255},
blueviolet = {138, 43, 226},
brown = {165, 42, 42},
burlywood = {222, 184, 135},
cadetblue = { 95, 158, 160},
chartreuse = {127, 255, 0},
chocolate = {210, 105, 30},
coral = {255, 127, 80},
cornflowerblue = {100, 149, 237},
cornsilk = {255, 248, 220},
crimson = {220, 20, 60},
cyan = { 0, 255, 255},
darkblue = { 0, 0, 139},
darkcyan = { 0, 139, 139},
darkgoldenrod = {184, 134, 11},
darkgray = {169, 169, 169},
darkgreen = { 0, 100, 0},
darkgrey = {169, 169, 169},
darkkhaki = {189, 183, 107},
darkmagenta = {139, 0, 139},
darkolivegreen = { 85, 107, 47},
darkorange = {255, 140, 0},
darkorchid = {153, 50, 204},
darkred = {139, 0, 0},
darksalmon = {233, 150, 122},
darkseagreen = {143, 188, 143},
darkslateblue = { 72, 61, 139},
darkslategray = { 47, 79, 79},
darkslategrey = { 47, 79, 79},
darkturquoise = { 0, 206, 209},
darkviolet = {148, 0, 211},
deeppink = {255, 20, 147},
deepskyblue = { 0, 191, 255},
dimgray = {105, 105, 105},
dimgrey = {105, 105, 105},
dodgerblue = { 30, 144, 255},
firebrick = {178, 34, 34},
floralwhite = {255, 250, 240},
forestgreen = { 34, 139, 34},
fuchsia = {255, 0, 255},
gainsboro = {220, 220, 220},
ghostwhite = {248, 248, 255},
gold = {255, 215, 0},
goldenrod = {218, 165, 32},
gray = {128, 128, 128},
grey = {128, 128, 128},
green = { 0, 128, 0},
greenyellow = {173, 255, 47},
honeydew = {240, 255, 240},
hotpink = {255, 105, 180},
indianred = {205, 92, 92},
indigo = { 75, 0, 130},
ivory = {255, 255, 240},
khaki = {240, 230, 140},
lavender = {230, 230, 250},
lavenderblush = {255, 240, 245},
lawngreen = {124, 252, 0},
lemonchiffon = {255, 250, 205},
lightblue = {173, 216, 230},
lightcoral = {240, 128, 128},
lightcyan = {224, 255, 255},
lightgoldenrodyellow = {250, 250, 210},
lightgray = {211, 211, 211},
lightgreen = {144, 238, 144},
lightgrey = {211, 211, 211},
lightpink = {255, 182, 193},
lightsalmon = {255, 160, 122},
lightseagreen = { 32, 178, 170},
lightskyblue = {135, 206, 250},
lightslategray = {119, 136, 153},
lightslategrey = {119, 136, 153},
lightsteelblue = {176, 196, 222},
lightyellow = {255, 255, 224},
lime = { 0, 255, 0},
limegreen = { 50, 205, 50},
linen = {250, 240, 230},
magenta = {255, 0, 255},
maroon = {128, 0, 0},
mediumaquamarine = {102, 205, 170},
mediumblue = { 0, 0, 205},
mediumorchid = {186, 85, 211},
mediumpurple = {147, 112, 219},
mediumseagreen = { 60, 179, 113},
mediumslateblue = {123, 104, 238},
mediumspringgreen = { 0, 250, 154},
mediumturquoise = { 72, 209, 204},
mediumvioletred = {199, 21, 133},
midnightblue = { 25, 25, 112},
mintcream = {245, 255, 250},
mistyrose = {255, 228, 225},
moccasin = {255, 228, 181},
navajowhite = {255, 222, 173},
navy = { 0, 0, 128},
oldlace = {253, 245, 230},
olive = {128, 128, 0},
olivedrab = {107, 142, 35},
orange = {255, 165, 0},
orangered = {255, 69, 0},
orchid = {218, 112, 214},
palegoldenrod = {238, 232, 170},
palegreen = {152, 251, 152},
paleturquoise = {175, 238, 238},
palevioletred = {219, 112, 147},
papayawhip = {255, 239, 213},
peachpuff = {255, 218, 185},
peru = {205, 133, 63},
pink = {255, 192, 203},
plum = {221, 160, 221},
powderblue = {176, 224, 230},
purple = {128, 0, 128},
red = {255, 0, 0},
rosybrown = {188, 143, 143},
royalblue = { 65, 105, 225},
saddlebrown = {139, 69, 19},
salmon = {250, 128, 114},
sandybrown = {244, 164, 96},
seagreen = { 46, 139, 87},
seashell = {255, 245, 238},
sienna = {160, 82, 45},
silver = {192, 192, 192},
skyblue = {135, 206, 235},
slateblue = {106, 90, 205},
slategray = {112, 128, 144},
slategrey = {112, 128, 144},
snow = {255, 250, 250},
springgreen = { 0, 255, 127},
steelblue = { 70, 130, 180},
tan = {210, 180, 140},
teal = { 0, 128, 128},
thistle = {216, 191, 216},
tomato = {255, 99, 71},
turquoise = { 64, 224, 208},
violet = {238, 130, 238},
wheat = {245, 222, 179},
white = {255, 255, 255},
whitesmoke = {245, 245, 245},
yellow = {255, 255, 0},
yellowgreen = {154, 205, 50}
function ChangeColorRGBToHex(rgb)
local hexadecimal = '0X'
for key, value in pairs(rgb) do
local hex = ''
while(value > 0)do
local index = math.fmod(value, 16) + 1
value = math.floor(value / 16)
hex = string.sub('0123456789ABCDEF', index, index) .. hex
if(string.len(hex) == 0)then
hex = '00'
elseif(string.len(hex) == 1)then
hex = '0' .. hex
hexadecimal = hexadecimal .. hex
return hexadecimal
Re: LUA Fibaro RGBW,
Any progress on finding a way to use it?
Re: LUA Fibaro RGBW,
micke.prag, why change it from RGBW to just RGB? Will you have an alternative to also set the W channel in the future?
I'm hovering the mouse over the buy-button for an RGBW-unit with higher output than RGB one I currently have, but if I will be unable to use it properly soon...
My first time code lua, so this code is ugly as frig (and not really accurate), but it does a decently satisfying job of emulating a color temperature with the RGB LED strip I have. Maybe someone here will find it useful too.
I plan to tidy it up and control it via a 1-10V dimmer unit, or potentially do a "wake up light" thingy and smoothly increase both intensity and color temperature during the rampup.
Props to Tanner Helland for the K to RGB mapping. ... ithm-code/
I'm hovering the mouse over the buy-button for an RGBW-unit with higher output than RGB one I currently have, but if I will be unable to use it properly soon...
My first time code lua, so this code is ugly as frig (and not really accurate), but it does a decently satisfying job of emulating a color temperature with the RGB LED strip I have. Maybe someone here will find it useful too.
I plan to tidy it up and control it via a 1-10V dimmer unit, or potentially do a "wake up light" thingy and smoothly increase both intensity and color temperature during the rampup.
Props to Tanner Helland for the K to RGB mapping. ... ithm-code/
Code: Select all
local deviceManager = require "telldus.DeviceManager"
local rgb_device = nil; -- lazy initialized
MAX_VALUE = 0xFF -- Max value for 8-bit unsigned.
-- Factors for RGB that achieves an approximate white light with the particular model of led stripe being used.
function getRgbControllerDevice()
if rgb_device == nil then
rgb_device = deviceManager:findByName("rgbw")
if rgb_device == nil then
print "Unable to find RGB controller"
return rgb_device
-- Clamps to an unsigned 8-bit range.
function clamp(x)
if (x < 0) then
return 0
elseif (x > MAX_VALUE) then
return MAX_VALUE
return math.floor(x + 0.5)
function rgbToHex(r, g, b, w)
-- Mask together four 8-bit integers into a single 32-bit value.
-- Why no bit-shift operator?!
rgbw_val = clamp(r * RED_FACTOR)
rgbw_val = rgbw_val * (MAX_VALUE + 1)
rgbw_val = rgbw_val + clamp(g * GREEN_FACTOR)
rgbw_val = rgbw_val * (MAX_VALUE + 1)
rgbw_val = rgbw_val + clamp(b * BLUE_FACTOR)
rgbw_val = rgbw_val * (MAX_VALUE + 1)
rgbw_val = rgbw_val + clamp(w)
-- sign extension 32 to 64 bit two's complement. There's gotta be a better way...
if (rgbw_val >= 2147483648) then
rgbw_val = rgbw_val - 4294967296
return rgbw_val
-- Color temperatur in degrees K, intensity as factor (0.0 to 1.0)
function setColorTemp(temp_kelvin, intensity)
temp = temp_kelvin / 100
local red = 0;
local green = 0;
local blue = 0;
if temp <= 66 then
red = 255
red = temp - 60
red = clamp(329.698727446 * (red ^ -0.1332047592))
if temp <= 66 then
green = temp
green = clamp(99.4708025861 * math.log(green) - 161.1195681661)
green = temp - 60
green = clamp(288.1221695283 * (green ^ -0.0755148492))
if temp >= 66 then
blue = 255
elseif temp <= 19 then
blue = 0
blue = temp - 10
blue = clamp(138.5177312231 * math.log(blue) - 305.0447927307)
setRgb(red * intensity, green * intensity, blue * intensity)
-- RGB each in 0-255 range.
function setRgb(r, g, b)
-- print("@Setting r " .. r .. ", g " .. g .. ", b " .. b)
local device = getRgbControllerDevice()
-- Why does the device seem to treat this as an RBG value rather than RGB?!
device:command('rgbw', rgbToHex(r, b, g, 0), "lua")
function onInit()
-- 1000K Dull red glow
-- 2000K Retro "Edison"-style filament bulb
-- 2700K "Normal" warm-white light bulb
-- 3000K Bright white
-- 4000K Cool white
-- 5000K Daylight
setColorTemp(2000, 1.0)
--setRgb(100, 90, 75)
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Re: LUA Fibaro RGBW,
Yes. Of course.ushac wrote:micke.prag, why change it from RGBW to just RGB? Will you have an alternative to also set the W channel in the future?
The reason is that there are RGB lamps not supporting color temperatures. Also there is white lamps supporting color temperature but not colors.
Have this combined does not make sense and makes it too complicated. The plan is to separate RGB and color temperature into two different methods.
Micke Prag
Telldus Technologies
Telldus Technologies
Re: LUA Fibaro RGBW,
I see. Thanks for the response!
It would be great if I was able to do this as python plugin instead, so we don't have to hard-code device names in the scripts etc.
Anyway, here's an updated version of the script. I use it as a wakeup light which changes both intensity and also color from reddish yellow (1000K) to daylight (5000K), and can be triggered via the schedule manager.
It would be great if I was able to do this as python plugin instead, so we don't have to hard-code device names in the scripts etc.
Anyway, here's an updated version of the script. I use it as a wakeup light which changes both intensity and also color from reddish yellow (1000K) to daylight (5000K), and can be triggered via the schedule manager.
Code: Select all
local deviceManager = require "telldus.DeviceManager"
-- Made for Fibaro RGBW dimmer. Adding it will create 6 device in Telldus
-- device manager: 4x for R, G, B and W. A "main" RGB device which takes the
-- joint RGB commands. (This is the device that also displays the power usage.)
-- It also creates an additional DIM capable device. Unclear what the intent
-- is with this device, be we use it here to trigger the wakeup-light func.
-- This allows us to separate a state change for the main unit and an explicit
-- dim command. Schedule the wakeup at desired time in the schedule manager and
-- set the action to set the dimmer device to 1%.
-- Use TURNOFF command on dimmer device to abort wakeup, and use it's on state
-- to detect wakeup-light in progress for events in main panel.
local rgb_main_device_name = "RGB" -- main device
local rgb_dim_device_name = "RGB Intensity" -- dimmer device
-- individual channels, used to query rgbw state before running wakeup, so that
-- we can restore them before shutting down again.
local rgb_red_device_name = "RGB Red"
local rgb_green_device_name = "RGB Green"
local rgb_blue_device_name = "RGB Blue"
local rgb_white_device_name = "RGB White"
-- Wakeup light time parameters:
-- Dim from 0 to 100% over this many minutes
-- After dimming up to 100%, stay on for this many mintues, then turn off.
-- Factors for RGB that achieves an approximate white light with my particular
-- model of led stripe. (At 100% for all channels, there was a significant
-- blue tint).
-- Types of state change events. Do not change!
DIM = 16
RGBW = 1024
MAX_VALUE = 0xFF -- Max value for 8-bit unsigned. Do not change!
-- State value use to check if wakeup is in progress or to abort ongoing.
local wakeup_in_progress = false
-- Clamps to an unsigned 8-bit range.
function clamp(x)
if (x < 0) then
return 0
elseif (x > MAX_VALUE) then
return MAX_VALUE
return math.floor(x + 0.5)
function rgbToHex(r, g, b, w)
-- Mask together four 8-bit integers into a single 32-bit value.
-- Why no bit-shift operator?!
rgbw_val = clamp(r * RED_FACTOR)
rgbw_val = rgbw_val * (MAX_VALUE + 1)
rgbw_val = rgbw_val + clamp(g * GREEN_FACTOR)
rgbw_val = rgbw_val * (MAX_VALUE + 1)
rgbw_val = rgbw_val + clamp(b * BLUE_FACTOR)
rgbw_val = rgbw_val * (MAX_VALUE + 1)
rgbw_val = rgbw_val + clamp(w)
-- Sign extension 32 to 64 bit two's complement.
-- There's gotta be a better way...
if (rgbw_val >= 2147483648) then
rgbw_val = rgbw_val - 4294967296
return rgbw_val
-- Color temperatur in degrees K, intensity as factor (0.0 to 1.0)
-- 1000K Dull red glow
-- 2000K Retro "Edison"-style filament bulb
-- 2700K "Normal" warm-white light bulb
-- 3000K Bright white
-- 4000K Cool white
-- 5000K Daylight
function setColorTemp(temp_kelvin, intensity)
temp = temp_kelvin / 100
local red = 0;
local green = 0;
local blue = 0;
if temp <= 66 then
red = temp - 60
red = clamp(329.698727446 * (red ^ -0.1332047592))
if temp <= 66 then
green = temp
green = clamp(99.4708025861 * math.log(green) - 161.1195681661)
green = temp - 60
green = clamp(288.1221695283 * (green ^ -0.0755148492))
if temp >= 66 then
blue = MAX_VALUE
elseif temp <= 19 then
blue = 0
blue = temp - 10
blue = clamp(138.5177312231 * math.log(blue) - 305.0447927307)
setRgb(red * intensity, green * intensity, blue * intensity)
-- RGB each in 0-255 range. Convenience with w = 0
function setRgb(r, g, b)
setRgbw(r, g, b, 0)
-- RGB each in 0-255 range.
function setRgbw(r, g, b, w)
--print("@Setting r " .. r .. ", g " .. g .. ", b " .. b .. ", w " .. w)
local device = deviceManager:findByName(rgb_main_device_name)
-- Why does the device seem to treat this as an RBG value rather than RGB?!
device:command('rgbw', rgbToHex(r, b, g, 0), "lua")
-- Used to query each of the r, g, b, w channels for current dim state.
function getChannelState(device_name)
local device = deviceManager:findByName(device_name)
state, stateValue = device:state()
if (state == TURNOFF) then
return 0
elseif (state == DIM) then
return stateValue
elseif (state == TURNON) then
return MAX_VALUE
print("Warning: Can get state for device " .. device_name)
return 0
-- A function parameter i will span from startSpan to endSpan,
-- produce an output of startValue if i = startSpan, endValue if i = endSpan,
-- otherwise linearly interpolate between those ends.
function linearInterpolate(startSpan, endSpan, startValue, endValue, i)
local pos = i + 0.0
if (i < startSpan) then
pos = startSpan
elseif (i > endSpan) then
pos = endSpan
local frac = (pos - startSpan) / (endSpan - startSpan)
return startValue + (frac * (endValue - startValue))
function runWakeUpLight()
-- Dim from 1000K
local color_temp = 1000
local intensity = 1 / MAX_VALUE
for i = 1,MAX_VALUE do
-- Check if wakeup has been aborted by user.
if (not wakeup_in_progress) then
-- Some arbitrary piece-wise liner interpolation between points
-- I happen to find pleasing :)
if i < 75 then
color_temp = linearInterpolate(1, 74, 1000, 1800, i)
elseif i < 150 then
color_temp = linearInterpolate(75, 149, 1800, 2700, i)
color_temp = linearInterpolate(150, MAX_VALUE, 2700, 5000, i)
-- Intensity is just scaled linearly during the whole rampup.
intensity = linearInterpolate(0, MAX_VALUE, 0, 1, i)
-- Update color and sleep until the next cycle.
setColorTemp(color_temp, intensity)
sleep((WAKUP_DURATION_MIN * 60 * 1000) / MAX_VALUE)
-- Wait for specified time at full power.
local ms_to_sleep = ONTIME_AFTER_WAKUP * 60 * 1000
local ms_slept = 0
while (ms_slept < ms_to_sleep) do
-- Sleep up to 1s at a time, then wake up and check if timer
-- has been aborted by user.
local sleep_this_cycle = math.min(ms_to_sleep - ms_slept, 1000)
ms_slept = ms_slept + sleep_this_cycle
if (not wakeup_in_progress) then
function onInit()
--setRgb(255, 0, 255)
--setColorTemp(1984, 0.05)
wakeup_in_progress = false
function onDeviceStateChanged(device, state, stateValue)
local rgb_dimmer_device = deviceManager:findByName(rgb_dim_device_name)
if (device:id() == rgb_dimmer_device:id()) then
if ((state == RGBW or state == DIM or state == TURNON) and (wakeup_in_progress == false)) then
wakeup_in_progress = true
-- Poll the current rgbw state
local r = getChannelState(rgb_red_device_name)
local g = getChannelState(rgb_green_device_name)
local b = getChannelState(rgb_blue_device_name)
local w = getChannelState(rgb_white_device_name)
runWakeUpLight() -- Run the wake-up light!
-- Restore original state and shut down.
setRgbw(r, g, b, w)
device:command("turnoff", nil, "Wakeup")
wakeup_in_progress = false
elseif (state == TURNOFF) then
-- Use TURNOFF command on dimmer device to abort wakeup.
wakeup_in_progress = false
Re: LUA Fibaro RGBW,
Btw micke.prag, do you know why the fibaro controller registers that extra DIM device?
I also have a normal 230v dimmer from fibaro, and it also registers like three dimmer devices for some non-apparent reason.
I also have a normal 230v dimmer from fibaro, and it also registers like three dimmer devices for some non-apparent reason.
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Re: LUA Fibaro RGBW,
My guess is that they do that to support controllers not supporting RGB. Just a guess though.ushac wrote:Btw micke.prag, do you know why the fibaro controller registers that extra DIM device?
Micke Prag
Telldus Technologies
Telldus Technologies