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Re: Remotestick (Android)

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by hyseptik
Hello, gein!

I have a question that I was hoping you or someone else here would be able to answer. I very recently ordered my Tellstick Net, but haven't received it yet. I still went ahead and purchased the Remotestick android app early since I plan to use the product(s) with Tasker. During my preparations, I decided to try and create a floor plan of my apartment, but stumbled upon an issue.

What dimensions are used or recommended for the floorplan image? Since I haven't gotten an account yet I can't really use the Remotestick app for much yet so I couldn't really figure anything out on my own. I suppose the image will be stretched if too small or large, so I wanted to make it the exact size used for a smoother appearance.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Remotestick (Android)

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by LarsChr
Hi, I had the same problem, Possibly it depends on the native resolution of your device. I have xperia Z w/fullHD.

I used the following:
1. (as suggested by remotestick). Then exported the plan to A3 sized pdf.
2. Used to convert the file to a png.
3. Cropped away the edges in msphoto editor
4. nice resolution and good image quality for the floorplan.

Re: Remotestick (Android)

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by hyseptik
Thanks, Lars. This sorted itself out for me. I went a similar route with satisfying results. I now have another couple of questions, though.

Within the RS app I have set the sensor polling interval to 15 minutes. My 2 questions are:
  • - Does the Tasker variable(s) update with every poll?
    - If I've been disconnected from Wifi and mobile data and missed one or several polls, will RS perform a poll once I have connection or will it wait X minutes first?
I ask because I have a "morning profile" that checks the outside temperature and modifies my alarm time based upon temperature. It's crucial that the temperature is as recent as possible.

EDIT: Also - I get the "Remotestick has stopped" message almost every time I exit the application (by home button). What's happening here?

Re: Remotestick (Android)

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by gein
hyseptik wrote:Within the RS app I have set the sensor polling interval to 15 minutes. My 2 questions are:
  • - Does the Tasker variable(s) update with every poll?
    - If I've been disconnected from Wifi and mobile data and missed one or several polls, will RS perform a poll once I have connection or will it wait X minutes first?
I ask because I have a "morning profile" that checks the outside temperature and modifies my alarm time based upon temperature. It's crucial that the temperature is as recent as possible.

EDIT: Also - I get the "Remotestick has stopped" message almost every time I exit the application (by home button). What's happening here?
Yes, RS should send updates to Tasker every time. If this doesn't seem to be the case, go into the new Debug menu (under Settings) and activate logging. Then go back here after a while to see if variables was sent to Tasker as expected. Don't forget to deactivate this feature later to avoid using up a lot of disk space.
Remotestick does not listen to re-connection events. It will poll with the interval specified. So, it will "wait" for X minutes where X is between 0 and the polling interval.

Re: Remotestick (Android)

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by hyseptik
gein wrote:
hyseptik wrote:Within the RS app I have set the sensor polling interval to 15 minutes. My 2 questions are:
  • - Does the Tasker variable(s) update with every poll?
    - If I've been disconnected from Wifi and mobile data and missed one or several polls, will RS perform a poll once I have connection or will it wait X minutes first?
I ask because I have a "morning profile" that checks the outside temperature and modifies my alarm time based upon temperature. It's crucial that the temperature is as recent as possible.

EDIT: Also - I get the "Remotestick has stopped" message almost every time I exit the application (by home button). What's happening here?
Yes, RS should send updates to Tasker every time. If this doesn't seem to be the case, go into the new Debug menu (under Settings) and activate logging. Then go back here after a while to see if variables was sent to Tasker as expected. Don't forget to deactivate this feature later to avoid using up a lot of disk space.
Remotestick does not listen to re-connection events. It will poll with the interval specified. So, it will "wait" for X minutes where X is between 0 and the polling interval.
Thanks for the clarification! Could you by any chance make it an option to A) have Remotestick always poll when a connection occurs or B) make the poll interval controllable through Tasker? Any of these two would solve my problem, but I would prefer option A. By the way - I remember seeing a site where one could submit suggestions. If you prefer it that way, I will gladly "resuggest" this over there if you can direct me there.

EDIT: Not sure if the suggestion system was Remotestick or another app. :oops:

Re: Remotestick (Android)

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by simonbove
Another idea could be to implement the energimeter from foogadgets like did. and make a widget for it like a temperature sensor. Then we would always know how much power we are using :-D

Re: Remotestick (Android)

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by Zeta_R
Må si meg veldig fornøyd med Remotestick, men det er noen ting jeg lurer på om det kan gjøres noe med..

Jeg har kjøpt meg en vindmåler Oregon WGR800. Den dukker opp i Remotestick med 3 verdier
vind gj.snitt, vind max og retning (i grader, 1-360).

Er det mulig å få grader omsatt til himmelretning? I Telldus live vises himmelretning isteden.

Hadde det vært mulig å få widget som vind gj.snitt + himmelretning (evnt. bare vind gj.snitt + "m/s" nedenfor)

Når jeg går inn på "sensors" i Remotestick, så krasjer app'n hver gang. Regner med det er verdiene ifra
vindmåleren som er synderen. Er det mulig å gjøre noe med det, kanskje mulighet for å logge data ifra vindmåleren også?

Ellers så takk for en super app :)

Re: Remotestick (Android)

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by gein
Jag har tyvärr ingen WGR800 som jag kan testa med. Skulle behöva se hur svaret från Telldus Live ser ut till Remotestick.

Skulle du kunna gå in på logga in på och sedan gå till
Tryck på API explorer i menyn.
Välj sensors/list i menyn till vänster.
Välj JSON.
Tryck på Send.
Kopiera all text i svaret och gå in på
Klistra in texten och tryck Validate så ser du svaret lite mer lättläst.
Leta rätt på sensorn som motsvarar vindsensorn och kopiera dess ID.
Gå tillbaka till API explorer och välj sensor/info i menyn till vänster.
Klistra in ID:t i fältet id, välj JSON och tryck send.

Därefter skickar du svaret till mig på så ska jag titta på det.

Jag känner till att appen krashar i vissa fall. Jag har inte lyckats återskapa det än tyvärr. Hela Remotestick är lite eftersatt just nu, vilket jag beklagar stort. Mitt problem just nu är att tiden inte räcker till tyvärr. Jag gör vad jag kan men har tyvärr inte samma möjlighet att ägna stor tid åt Remotestick som jag hade förut :(

Re: Remotestick (Android)

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by Zeta_R
Da er det gjort :)

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by look2
So this is only for telldus live? I can not use it with my telldus duo and local server?


Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by gein
look2 wrote:So this is only for telldus live? I can not use it with my telldus duo and local server?
"This" as in Remotestick? You can use Remotestick with the third party software tellprox (and Tellstick Duo).