Extract data from sensor to website.

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Extract data from sensor to website.

Post by Skogsmulle »


I want to extract data from eventghost that is from a Oregon sensor.
I had follow a guided but i don't get to work.

"1) Get TellStick Dou (hard to get, unfortunately), and a compatible temperature sensor
(The list of supported devices in Telldus website)

2) Install Telldus Duo plug-in Event Ghost

3) Take the ID temperature sensor in "task list" in Event Ghost

4) Create a new macro based on the event (for example. "TellstickDuo.fineoffset.temeraturehumidity.213.Temperature")

5) Add a Phytom Script to the macro with the following script:

p = eg.event.payload
p = p.split ('|')
outtemp213 = P [0]
eg.globals.outtemp213 = outtemp213
# Printing outtemp213
(last line is for debugging,
naming the parameters that 213 will make sure to have several sensors,
no error handling if sensor disappears included)

6) in index.html - header hgroup section adds:

My Street 1
Outside temperature: {{}} eg.globals.outtemp213 ° C

7) enjoy :-)

8) If you want the page to always be updated to consider using:

9) And if you have multiple sensors for humidity and teperature etc. You can always do a "Weather Tab" with all the values.
I can share if anyone needs it for inspiration

To add information on when the temp was updated to consider the folloing update phyton script:

import datetime
Now datetime.datetime.now = ()
outtemp213time = now.strftime ("% Y-% m-% d% H:% M")
eg.globals.outtemp213time = outtemp213time

and the following additions to the html:


Do someone have a clue what is wrong?
My ID in telldus center is 171 and i have changet it.
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