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Home-Confort devices compatibility

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by Damien
Here is a range of lowcost devices sold in France under the brand named "Home Confort", it's self learning 433.92mHz radio devices.
Hope it can be compatible with tellstick, how can I help to test it?
Constructor's web site products range

Click to see the device's datasheet:




Re: Home-Confort devices compatibility

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by Damien
here is the inside
Home Confort PRF-100 inside
Home Confort PRF-100 inside
Home-confort-PRF-100-inside.jpg (117.49 KiB) Viewed 8160 times

Re: Home-Confort devices compatibility

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by Damien
I've tried to pair and scan without success with every device listed as self learning on/off.
too bad, let's hope for help !
Using TellStick Net v17

Re: Home-Confort devices compatibility

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by tronde
I understand that RFlink supports the Home Confort protocol.

Maybe it is possible to find a description of the protocol and have Telldus implement it in Tellstick?

Re: Home-Confort devices compatibility

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:45 am
by Damien
Thanks tronde, still searching the net I confirm RFlink supports HomeConfort protocol, here's what I've found in source code (

Code: Select all

//- Changed: HomeConfort was recognized as Impuls, now using GDR2 name
10;HomeConfort;01b523;D3;ON;=> HomeConfort protocol;address;action (ON/OFF)
//homeconfort  PROGMEM int temp[]={2675,200,600,200,600,700,100,700,100,200,600,700,100,700,100,200,600,700,100,225,600,725,75,225,600,225,575,725,75,225,575,225,575,225,575,725,75,725,75,725,75,725,75,225,575,725,75,225,575,225,575,225,575,225,575,225,575,250,575,250,575,250,575,250,575,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,575,725,75,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,750,50,250,50};
content of Plugins/Plugin_011.c

Code: Select all

//##                    This Plugin is only for use with the RFLink software package                   ##
//##                                      Plugin-11 Home Confort Smart Home - TEL-010                  ##
 * Decodes signals from a Home Confort Smart Home - TEL-010 
 * Author             : StuntTeam, François Pasteau
 * Support            :
 * License            : This code is free for use in any open source project when this header is included.
 *                      Usage of any parts of this code in a commercial application is prohibited!
 * Changelog: v1.0 initial release
 * Technical information:
 * Decodes signals from Home Confort Smart Home - TEL-010 devices
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * _Byte 0_ _Byte 1_ _Byte 2_ _Byte 3_ _Byte 4_ _Byte 5_ _Bits_
 * 11111111 11111111 11100010 00000000 00000000 10000001 00  Type 1 (no address, using A1-D4)
 * 00110110 10100100 01111010 00000000 00000000 10000001 00  Type 2 (using 19 bit? address and button number 1-?
 * A = Address? (19 bits?)
 * B = Address? (19 bits?)
 * C = Address? (19 bits?)
 * D = Command bits (see below)
 * E = verification bytes?, Always 0x00? => possibly reserved for future use or other device types
 * F = verification bytes?, Always 0x00? => possibly reserved for future use or other device types
 * G = Command bits (see below)
 * H = always '000001' ?
 * I = Stop bits?, Always '00'
 * D & G explanation:
 * 11233 45
 * 00000 00
   11010 10 D3
 * 1=switch setting 00=A  10=B  01=C  11=D
 * 2=group indicator 1=group command
 * 3=button number  00=1  01=2  10=3  11=4
 * 4=command 0=off, 1=on
 * 5=group indicator 1=group command
 * ------------
 * 101010101010101010101010101010101010100101011001010101010101010101010101010101011001010101010110 00
 * 111111111111111111100010000000000000000010000001 00 A3 on
 * 20;17;DEBUG;Pulses=100;Pulses(uSec)=
 * 2675,200,600,200,600,700,100,700,100,200,600,700,100,700,100,200,600,700,100,225,600,725,75,225,600,225,575,725,75,225,
 * 575,225,575,225,575,725,75,725,75,725,75,725,75,225,575,725,75,225,575,225,575,225,575,225,575,225,575,250,575,250,
 * 575,250,575,250,575,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,575,725,75,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,
 * 550,250,550,250,550,750,50,250,50; =99
 * 2675,200,600,200,600,700,100,700,100,200,600,700,100,700,100,200,600,700,100,225,600,725,75,225,600,225,575,725,75,225,575,225,575,225,575,725,75,725,75,725,75,725,75,225,575,725,75,225,575,225,575,225,575,225,575,225,575,250,575,250,575,250,575,250,575,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,575,725,75,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,250,550,750,50,250,50
#define HC_PULSECOUNT 100

#ifdef PLUGIN_011
boolean Plugin_011(byte function, char *string) {
      if (RawSignal.Number != HC_PULSECOUNT ) return false; 
      if (RawSignal.Pulses[1]*RawSignal.Multiply < 2000) return false; // First (start) pulse needs to be long

      unsigned long bitstream1=0;                   // holds first 24 bits 
      unsigned long bitstream2=0;                   // holds last 26 bits
      byte bitcounter=0;                            // counts number of received bits (converted from pulses)
      byte command=0;
      byte channel=0;
      byte subchan=0;
      byte group=0;
      for(int x=2;x < HC_PULSECOUNT-2;x+=2) {       // get bytes
         if (RawSignal.Pulses[x]*RawSignal.Multiply > 500) { // long pulse
            if (RawSignal.Pulses[x]*RawSignal.Multiply > 800) return false;   // Pulse range check
            if (RawSignal.Pulses[x+1]*RawSignal.Multiply > 400) return false; // Manchester check
            if (bitcounter < 24) {
               bitstream1 = (bitstream1 << 1) | 0x1; 
            } else {
               bitstream2 = (bitstream2 << 1) | 0x1; 
            bitcounter++;                       // only need to count the first 10 bits
         } else { // short pulse
            if (RawSignal.Pulses[x]*RawSignal.Multiply > 300) return false;   // pulse range check
            if (RawSignal.Pulses[x+1]*RawSignal.Multiply < 400) return false; // Manchester check
            if (bitcounter < 24) {
               bitstream1 = (bitstream1 << 1);
            } else {
               bitstream2 = (bitstream2 << 1);
            bitcounter++;                       // only need to count the first 10 bits
         if (bitcounter > 50) break;         
      if (RawSignal.Pulses[98]*RawSignal.Multiply > 300) return false;  // pulse range check, last two pulses should be short
      if (RawSignal.Pulses[99]*RawSignal.Multiply > 300) return false;  // pulse range check
      // first perform a check to make sure the packet is valid 
      byte tempbyte=(bitstream2 >>8) & 0xff; 
      if (tempbyte != 0x0) return false;            // always 0x00?
      tempbyte=(bitstream2 >>16) & 0xff; 
      if (tempbyte != 0x0) return false;            // always 0x00?
      tempbyte=(bitstream2) & 0x3f; 
      if (tempbyte != 0x01) return false;           // low 6 bits are always '000001'?
      // Prevent repeating signals from showing up
      if(SignalHash!=SignalHashPrevious || (RepeatingTimer<millis()+1500) || SignalCRC != bitstream2 ) { 
         // not seen the RF packet recently
      } else {
         // already seen the RF packet recently
         return true;
      // now process the command / switch settings     
      tempbyte=(bitstream1 >> 3) & 0x03;            // determine switch setting (a/b/c/d)
      if (tempbyte==2) channel=0x42; 
      if (tempbyte==1) channel=0x43; 
      if (tempbyte==3) channel=0x44; 

      subchan=((bitstream1)&0x03)+1;                // determine button number
      command=(bitstream2 >> 7) & 0x01;             // on/off command
      group=(bitstream2 >> 6) & 0x01;               // group setting
      bitstream1=bitstream1 >> 5;
      // Output
      // ----------------------------------
      sprintf(pbuffer, "20;%02X;", PKSequenceNumber++); // Node and packet number 
      Serial.print( pbuffer );
      Serial.print(F("HomeConfort;"));              // Label
      sprintf(pbuffer, "ID=%06lx;",((bitstream1) &0xffffff) );   // ID   
      Serial.print( pbuffer );
      sprintf(pbuffer, "SWITCH=%c%d;", channel,subchan);    
      Serial.print( pbuffer );
      if (group==1) Serial.print(F("ALL"));
      if (command==0) Serial.print(F("OFF;")); 
      if (command==1) Serial.print(F("ON;"));
      RawSignal.Repeats=true;                       // suppress repeats of the same RF packet
      return true;
#endif // PLUGIN_011

#ifdef PLUGIN_TX_011
void HomeConfort_Send(unsigned long bitstream1, unsigned long bitstream2);

boolean PluginTX_011(byte function, char *string) {
        boolean success=false;
        if (strncasecmp(InputBuffer_Serial+3,"HomeConfort;",12) == 0) { // KAKU Command eg. 
           if (InputBuffer_Serial[16] != ';') return success;
           InputBuffer_Serial[14]=0x78;                            // Get address from hexadecimal value 
           InputBuffer_Serial[21]=0x00;                            // Get address from hexadecimal value 

           unsigned long bitstream1=0L;                            // First Main placeholder
           unsigned long bitstream2=0L;                            // Second Main placeholder
           byte Home=0;                                            // channel A..D
           byte Address=0;                                         // subchannel 1..5
           byte c;
           byte x=22;                                              // pointer
           // -------------------------------
           bitstream1=str2int(InputBuffer_Serial+13);              // Address (first 19 bits)
           // -------------------------------
           while((c=tolower(InputBuffer_Serial[x++]))!=';') {
                 if(c>='0' && c<='9'){Address=Address+c-'0';}      // Home 0..9
                 if(c>='a' && c<='d'){Home=c-'a';}                 // Address a..d
           // -------------------------------
           // prepare bitstream1
           // -------------------------------
           bitstream1 = bitstream1 << 5;                           // make space for first 5 command bits 
           Address--;                                              // 1..4 to 0..3
           Address=Address & 0x03;                                 // only accept 2 bits for the button number part 
           if (Home == 0) c=0;                                     // A
           if (Home == 1) c=2;                                     // B
           if (Home == 2) c=1;                                     // C
           if (Home == 3) c=3;                                     // D
           Home=c << 3;                                            // shift left for the right position
           // -------------------------------
           // prepare bitsrteam2
           c = str2cmd(InputBuffer_Serial+x);                      // ON/OFF command
           bitstream2=1;                                           // value off     
           if (c == VALUE_ON) { 
              bitstream2=0x81;                                     // value on
           } else {
              if (c == VALUE_ALLOFF) { 
                 bitstream1=bitstream1+4;                          // set group
              } else
              if (c == VALUE_ALLON) { 
                 bitstream1=bitstream1+4;                          // set group
           // -------------------------------
           HomeConfort_Send(bitstream1,bitstream2);                // bitstream to send
        return success;

#define PLUGIN_011_RFLOW        270                   // 300
#define PLUGIN_011_RFHIGH       720                   // 800

void HomeConfort_Send(unsigned long bitstream1, unsigned long bitstream2) { 
     RawSignal.Repeats=3;                             // Number of RF packet retransmits
     RawSignal.Delay=125;                             // Delay between RF packets
     RawSignal.Number=100;                            // Length

     uint32_t fdatabit;
     uint32_t fdatamask = 0x800000;
     // -------------------------------
     // bitstream1 holds first 24 bits of the RF data, bitstream2 holds last 24 bits of the RF data
     // -------------------------------
     for (byte i=2; i<103; i=i+2) {
         if (i<50) {                                  // first 24 bits
            fdatabit = bitstream1 & fdatamask;        // Get most left bit
            bitstream1 = (bitstream1 << 1);           // Shift left

            if (fdatabit != fdatamask) {              // Write 0
               RawSignal.Pulses[i]  = PLUGIN_011_RFLOW/RawSignal.Multiply;
               RawSignal.Pulses[i+1]= PLUGIN_011_RFHIGH/RawSignal.Multiply;
            } else {                                  // Write 1
               RawSignal.Pulses[i]  = PLUGIN_011_RFHIGH/RawSignal.Multiply;
               RawSignal.Pulses[i+1]= PLUGIN_011_RFLOW/RawSignal.Multiply;
         } else {   
            fdatabit = bitstream2 & fdatamask;        // Get most left bit
            bitstream2 = (bitstream2 << 1);           // Shift left

            if (fdatabit != fdatamask) {              // Write 0
               RawSignal.Pulses[i]  = PLUGIN_011_RFLOW/RawSignal.Multiply;
               RawSignal.Pulses[i+1]= PLUGIN_011_RFHIGH/RawSignal.Multiply;
            } else {                                  // Write 1
               RawSignal.Pulses[i]  = PLUGIN_011_RFHIGH/RawSignal.Multiply;
               RawSignal.Pulses[i+1]= PLUGIN_011_RFLOW/RawSignal.Multiply;
#endif // PLUGIN_TX_011
Also now compatible with RFXCOM
Firmware changes in versions 433_92/192/248
– Support for Home Confort added (only Ext firmware 248 for RFXtrx433E)
– Lighting4 improved